September updates: Facebook Messenger integration, bigger emoji and what’s in the works
Yakov Karda

We’re rolling out a very important update today: Chatra is now officially integrated with the Facebook Messenger!


You can now reply to messages sent to your Facebook page via Chatra.


It is a great way of combining both communication channels into one: you will no longer have to switch between the apps if you’re actively using the Facebook Messenger for your business page, while at the same time keeping Chatra open for requests coming from your website.

You can connect as many Facebook pages to your account as you wish and chat with people directly from the Chatra dashboard or via our apps.

Bigger emoji

People seem to love emoji, so we made them bigger and easier to see. Why? Because they look really cool and smooth within the chats! Check it out yourself:

Of course that happens only when an emoji is posted in a separate message.

Intelligent bot

Another important feature is currently in the works: the pre-chat form as we know it will soon be totally revamped and replaced with an intelligent and tweakable bot! You will be able to add your own custom fields to the form (like company name, address or order number). Besides that, the bot will be able to route your customers to a team of their choice.

That’s it for today. We work day and night to make Chatra even nicer both for you and your customers, and we would love to hear your feedback. Chat with us and let us know what you think, or what you feel is missing in Chatra: we’ll think it over! :—)